Defense mode: rules and features | News | Caliber is a team-based online game
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Defense mode: rules and features

Get ready!

Defense mode will be available from April 24 to May 22. Take on the role of a Red Army soldier, hold off German assault troops, and defend the radio stations to successfully evacuate.


Crossing: 1943

In a sudden blow, German troops broke through the frontline. A divisional field hospital was in the path of the advancing troops, which required time to evacuate. With the enemy only kilometers away, a few wounded who were still able to hold a gun volunteered for a suicide mission: to draw the advancing Germans away and stall them for as long as possible.

The ruins of an old fortress, a former division HQ, were chosen as a strongpoint. The HQ had managed to evacuate, but among the rubble, the four bold men found an abandoned radio station.



Only four special characters of the Red Army can be used in this mode: Assault Shalnoy, Support Klim, Medic Polundra, and Marksman Ptitsa.


The fireteam possesses several characteristics:

  • The Red Army fighters will level up during combat. Each fireteam member has a Special Trait with 3 levels of upgrades. You will have to level up from the beginning in each new match.
  • Each member has unique level-up conditions. The Assault levels up by eliminating enemies, while the Marksman needs to specifically land headshots. The Support has to apply Shield to his allies, and the Medic must restore HP.
  • Every soldier can self-revive after being incapacitated. This requires a Revival Kit.
  • Upgrading Special Traits to the highest level will provide extra bonuses to the Medic and Marksman. The Medic will see an increase in their effective ability radius, and the Marksman will fire explosive bullets that deal splash damage.
You can always check your fighters’ abilities in combat by pressing [F1]. First-person view is also available in this mode: press and hold [J] to toggle between camera modes.

The Red Army fighters are known for their resilience, bravery, and wit. Even a spade can be a deadly weapon in their hands.

Press and hold [V] to hit an enemy in melee range.

Also, if you successfully approach an enemy from behind, you’ll be able to perform an Execution. This will grant you a spare magazine and an incoming damage decrease for a short period of time.

All the Red Army operators have several Victory Day-themed Emotes and Executions available to them right away. Choose them straight away to make your battles even more atmospheric!


Only special Reserves are available in Defense mode. Study them carefully — they can change the tide of the entire battle.

Slot 1. Available Reserves:

  • Water Supply (5 pcs): restores 60 HP.
  • Spare Ammo (5 pcs): provides 150 ammo for your primary and secondary weapons.

Slot 2. Available Reserves:

  • Morphine (1 pcs): replenishes your Revival Kits.
  • Field Bonus (1 pcs): offers a random field bonus (Medkit, Survival Kit, Second Wind, Weapon Modification, or Special Gear Supply).

The number of all reserves in each fight is fixed (except for Morphine). You have to choose between Water Supply and Spare Ammo for your 1st slot, and between Morphine and a Field Bonus for your 2nd slot. You can change your selection before each battle.

The Morphine Reserve can be purchased during combat using Valor Points.


Eliminate enemies and complete sub-objectives to earn Valor Points. Use them to achieve victory!

1. Purchase Field Bonuses.

2. Repair the damaged radio station and its antenna. Note that each subsequent repair will cost more.

3. Restore destructible covers.

4. Purchase the Morphine Reserve needed for reviving allies.


A random modifier buffing the Red Army fighters will be applied before the start of a battle.

In addition, Fog of War will be active in every battle.



In Defense mode, your top priority is to defend the radio station and its antenna. Your enemies will use everything they have to destroy them.

Stay vigilant — the radio station is positioned on the first floor, but the antenna is located on higher ground. Both objects share durability points.


Sub-objectives are not necessary for progression. But you shouldn’t ignore them!

Most of them come with a reward — unlocking Field Bonus vendors, replenishing ammo for all equipment, and even adding a new ally bot.

What’s more, failing sub-objectives can make it harder to complete the main Defense objective. Your enemies may receive reinforcements, start shelling, mine the map, and even block radio repairs for a short time.


You will have to evacuate at the end of the mission. Reach the marked exit point to get to the tank. Each player will have to confirm the evacuation by approaching the tank and interacting with it.

Play Defense mode, earn Combat Merits, and complete Common Cause: Not a Step Back together with your community.

See you in Defense!

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